Ripa Bianca and The Festival of Castagnolo in Monte San Vito

The Festival of Castagnolo is the festival that takes place on the 3rd Sunday of Lent in Monte san Vito in the peasant tradition (Sega la Vecchia) to temporarily stop the sacrifices that precede Easter joining the “Monday of Carnival” with the “mid-Lent Carnival” when it was customary to meet for dance together in the main farmhouses. The typical sweet of carnival is achieved by frying in oil the mixture of flour, egg, sugar, a bit of anisette and lemon peel and served during the parade of costumed groups and games. What makes the event unique is then re-enactment of the Throw of the Sausages in the square by “small parachutes” together with Fishing of Salami and Descent of Sausages from the Civic Tower.

Ripa Bianca

Beside the River Esino, near Jesi, the Reserve of Ripa Bianca takes its name from the “blades” visible on the hillsides: the gullies formed by the over-exploitation of land which brought the total deforestation that causesrunoff and subsequent erosion. The establishment of the Protected Area since 2003 is a great achievement as an example for the recovery of over-populated areas; above the site was even a dump while from the lake was extracted gravel. Today the body of water is instead the only Heronry in the Marche where they stop to catch the Night Herons, the fields are recovered as vegetable gardens bordered by the important Tree-lined and it can be visited with several educational trails.

Guida Turistica e Naturalistica

Pierluigi Tomassetti 0734 641395


Posted in Walks and Guided Tours.

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