Paesaggi d’Acqua 6: from santa Maria in Vallicella to Salino and visit of Belmonte Piceno

Paesaggi d’Acqua is the project trails between the towns of Gualdo, Penna san Giovanni and sant’Angelo in Pontano that develops more than 50 km between the valleys of Salino and Tennacola. The theme that “binds and unites” the entire network of trails is obviously the water from the Salino, which the salt ponds in use in Roman times, to the one that powers the mills of Tennacola to the sulfur of the ditch Patenetta used in the thermal complex of “Villa Saline”. The network is through the three historic towns and the countryside of the rolling hills of the Macerata area with woods at the top and riparian vegetation along the waterways. The route number 6 develops from church of santa Maria in Vallicella to Salino.

Belmonte Piceno owes its name to the settlers came from Belmonte in Sabina, the area of the Abbey of Farfa, and in addition to preserve a relic of the Holy Cross is believed to be the main archaic Piceno site to the great importance and richness of its 3 Necropolis, in particularly the one discovered on Colle Ete by noted local biologist and physiologist Silvestro Baglioni that returned the Tomb of the Duce with 6 wagons, 4 helmets and bronze handles. In fact, before the Roman colony its heights on the particular geodetic characteristics which “measure” the territory were chosen by Piceni as a site for processing African Ivory and Baltic Amber now on display along with the funerals in the Archaeological Museum.

Pierluigi Tomassetti

Guida Turistica e Naturalistica

Exploring the Territory coming to “live” to be part of it is my great passion has always been; from the sea to the mountains through the countless rolling hills rich in history and culture of the Marches, the Region where I was born and where I have always lived.

Over the years I have walked every path, including unknown and “secrets” rediscovering forgotten places but lovely to explore hidden and “magic” corners. I have visited every village and town in the many churches, museums, palaces, squares, streets and alleys, art galleries, monuments and theaters as well as in their traditions made of reenactments, festivals and local products.

With the certification of Environmental Guide before matching that of Tourist Guide then, I obtained the necessary professional qualifications required by law to disclose and share with all the many beauties that make the Marche region a concentrate of Italy. On the one hand the natural environment and on the other those historical and artistic, wonderfully complementing each other.
I also have extensive expertise in the English language in order to convey the emotions given away by the visit to the sites to people from all over the world.

My experience in the field also includes in-depth knowledge of meteorology acquired by obtaining thecertificate for the Free Flight and gained over many years of practice of this fascinating discipline. Each output is therefore always adapted to the conditions of both seasonal and daily time, thereby to enhance the places visited with the right light and atmosphere.

I also practice Caving and “Canyoning” and in the calendar of itineraries I propose some easy outings in cavity and gorges of considerable interest. The visit of the underground reserve surprises and offers truly unique and unforgettable emotions.

During the year I propose excursions in the form of walking tours of every type and level, whenever combined with the interesting events that take place on the territory. The outputs are always different and varied between them touching all the protected areas in the Region and beyond. Walking in Marche mean meet and learn about places, people, traditions, cultures and history of the “Five Provinces“.

Posted in Walks and Guided Tours.

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