
Hiking and Nature Walks in October

Gole dell’Infernaccio and XXXIX Mercato della Castagna in Montemonaco

29 October 2016

The Infernaccio is among the most beautiful and evocative places of the Slope of Magic, whose name recalls the legendary stories that characterize these mountains along with the Pass of the Witches, the narrowest point of the gorge where the walls shake as if to close. The gorge is a true “crack” in the limestone at whose entrance shows the perennial drip of Pisciarelle and then open up the splendid Beechwood that in autumn offers a beautiful Foliage. The pleasant ascent of the path then leads to the Hermitage of saint Leonard rebuilt stone by stone in 40 years of “solitary” work by the Capuchin father Pietro where was the ancient Benedectine place of worship Castrum de Volubrio inhabited until 1572.

Lakes of Agro Nero and XXI Marrone che Passione in Trisungo

30 October 2016

An ancient glacier shaped the northern part of Laga creating an amphitheater with valleys and pastures where flowing ditches originated by the water veins of the homonymous Mount and the contemporary waterproofing of the clay combined with moraine deposits resulted in the formation of the only lakes in the group in whose green waters live 3 kind of Tritons and Rane Temporarie. The area, once inhabited by monks Clareni, is called Agro Nero and the Dry Lake and the Lake of the Forest are home to rare Willows as well as produce peat, especially at the source where piles of white fir, beech and willow at last 13 centuries old stuck in the mud were used as a “support” by the animals to drink.

The “brown” is the fruit of cultivated version of Chestnut and therefore the subject of grafts and crossings that have improved the quality and yield making it larger, fragrant and sweet. In addition to directly consumed is the ingredient for a variety of products such as flour, honey, jams and some drinks. To it is dedicated the traditional festival Marrone che Passione in Trisungo, the hamlet of Arquata along the Salaria whose name would indicate the point of “junction” of three roads (tres jungo) with the Feast, which is celebrated together with typical specialties such as cold cuts, cheese, polenta and cooked wine of producers who gather in the near woods with the accompaniment of stornellatori to the sound of accordions.


Pierluigi Tomassetti

Environmental Guide,   Tourist Guide

Posted in Walks and Guided Tours.

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