Food for Earth Day 2020

On April 22, humanity celebrates Earth Day 2020 in extraordinary conditions. And extraordinary conditions require different mindsets and behaviors. The World after Covid-19 will not be the same. Humanity has been forced to reshape mindset and behaviors in a more responsible and sustainable way. Pope Francis said: “We thought we’d stay healthy in a World that was sick”. We now enter a new era of consciousness that involves the relationship between humans and nature, not as separated one to another, but as a unique ecosystem where food and agriculture play a pivotal role to balance this relation.

Food for Earth Day 2020 is the way to celebrate this new era: 24 hours marathon around the Globe and 24 different sessions in different Countries. It’s the largest lesson on the regenerative power of food systems.

Future Food Institute and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) e-learning Academy organize this huge global event that regardless of boundaries, time zones and geographical areas is aimed to rethink the business as usual and to regenerate food systems.

The marathon will begin in China. This relay of positivity and goodness, like an ideal Olympic torch, will travel from East to West, passing from indigenous people that reflect the identity of entire territories to entrepreneurs, startups, scientists, journalists, young leaders, policymakers, consultants, farmers. The torch will pass from China to Japan, India, Middle East, Europe, Africa, Latin America, North America and even the North and South Poles, as we’ll be connected with scientists at the Concordia Station in Antarctica.

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? Watch our 24-hour live streaming on our YouTube channel, starting from 4 AM GMT to 3 AM GMT:

? Connect with the global community using the official hashtags #goodaftercovid19 and #Food4Earth on your social channels

? Receive additional content and further information on the event and future initiatives subscribing on Eventbrite:

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