A long walk to enjoy the views that fall on one side towards the Piana di Castelluccio and on the other we will see the mountains of the Lazio region. The Pantani of Accumoli are also usually out of the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains, giving the snowshoes wide viewing spaces with unusual views and perspectives that become completely different from the usual ones.
Difficulty level: E.
Clothing suitable for the snow, trousers with gaiters or separate gaiters, specific mountain footwear, snowshoes, a change of both t-shirt and socks, kway or rain jacket.
One liter water, packed lunch or snack.
Andrea Piccirilli tel. WhatsApp: 3282932998
email : andreapiccirilli67@gmail.c
Euro 15,00 a persona comprensive di Assicurazione RCT
MEETING PLACE Time 8,00 a.m. Bar Caprice Marina di Altidona , orore 9,00 a,m. Blu Bar Trisungo