Snowshoe walk in the Sibillini Mountains

A walk through idyllic landscapes in the Forest Paths of the Sibillini Mountains National Park in the area of ​​Montemonaco, full of silence and the taste of snowshoeing on soft snow.
The path will be return and about 6-7 km, the difference in altitude is 200 meters, of which 100 immediately at the start.
Duration around 4.30 h with stops.
The route does not present particular difficulties but a minimum of physical preparation is required.

Clothing suitable for the snow, trousers with gaiters or separate gaiters, specific mountain footwear,
snowshoes, a change of both t-shirt and socks, kway or rain jacket.
One liter water, packed lunch or snack.

Andrea Piccirilli 3282932998 anche su WhatsApp email
Euro 15,00 a persona comprensive di Assicurazione RCT

9,00 AM  parking in front of the soccer field of Comunanza.
The football field is located just after the town in the direction of Montemonaco.

Posted in Walks and Guided Tours.

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