We walk trails through Parks, Reserves and naturalistically interesting Areas, but each route, each path, has its own peculiarities. And most importantly, leads us to different places.
Selva di Castelfidardo and XLI Premio Internazionale della Fisarmonica in Castelfidardo
The Selva of Monte Oro is a beautiful forest of almost 37 hectares since 1997 protected by Region as Floristic Protected Area for the ecological importance is that, in addition to the historical one. Constitutes a “rare example” of the forests that once covered the territory and provided wood for the population to make tools, houses and boats. Inside was held September 18, 1860 the battle which saw the victory of the Piemontese army on the papal state marking the end of Renaissance and so the birth of the Kingdom of Italy. In memory of the event has been built an Ossuary and in 1912 opened in Castelfidardo, the Marche National Monument realized after ten years of work by sculptor Vito Pardo.
Castelfidardo is the historic homeland of the Accordion, the musical instrument made by local producers after the “pioneer” Paolo Soprani he built a prototype craft in ‘800 on which established the first factory. Other illustrious citizen was Gervasio Marcosignori whose commitment to the spread and the entrance of the Accordion in the classical and modern repertoire earned him the World Oscar in 1959. For it is dedicated to the Museum that collects hundreds of specimens including the rare “forerunners” and the faithful reproduction of the workshop. In September, we celebrate the International Award with the country that is filled with displays, several concerts, masterclass until the Closing Party.
Pierluigi Tomassetti
Environmental Guide, Tourist Guide